The Updaters

NEW !!

Since a long time, I wanted to let speak all my english and  american pop rock jazz influences in recording an album in english, wishing to sound  a little like my models :The Beatles, the Kinks, the Whos, the Beach Boys, Donovan, the Loving Spoonful, Alessi Brothers Michael Franks and many more artists who had fed my musical life along all those years.

The melodies, the chords, the harmonies which  were springing up from my guitar were calling naturally for the english language and I love to sing in english, though I can’t erase totally my french accent .

« Catch a tune and sing it loud ». It’s the perpetual romantic teenager in me who finally finds here a way of expression.

I took a group name « The Updaters » for different reasons, but mostly because it has been a real collaboration between Patrick Querville and myself. I had  composed the songs, mais he brought his ideas of arrangements, his guitar and bass playing style, his drums programmings, his synthe sounds and his skills as a sound engineer with Cubase

And  rather than commenting on the philosophic contents of the lyrics and the harmonic value of the tunes, I suggest that you take some time to listen

ThierryOger/The Updaters


On sale at :
I-Tune store  The Updaters   the Updaters / Catch a tune and sing it loud